VBDOX - Visual Basic Documentation Generator

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VBDOX - Visual Basic Documentation Generator

Note: For up-to-date information see the VBDOX Document Manager on sourceforge.net

Standard documentation comments

Note: The tags sequence is important (e.g. Name, Purpose etc.). The space before each tag is required. The lists of method parameters and enumerator values must be indented 4 characters (1 tab). Each parameter or value must be on a new line. Descriptions can contain HTML formatting and can be multi line.

The description, copyright information and the version number are extracted form the project file. You can change the information from Project Properties dialog.

The result documentation is stored in a new sub folder of the folder the project. All files have link to a style sheet.

The program also generates an MS HTML Help Workshop project (help.hhp), contents (contents.hhc) and index (index.hhk) files.

  1. Module (Module, Class, UserControl) level comment
    ' Name: [the name of the module or class]
    ' Purpose: [(optional) Description (Abstract)]
    ' Functions:
    '     [functions' list in alphabetical order]
    ' Properties:
    '     [properties' list in alphabetical order]
    ' Methods:
    '     [Methods' list in alphabetical order]
    ' Author: [author's name]
    ' Start: [development start date]
    ' Modified: [last modification date]
  2. Method (Sub, Function, Property) level comment
    ' Name: [the name of the function, property or sub]
    ' Input:
    '    [input parameters' list with ByRef|ByVal, type and description]
    ' Output:
    '    [return value's type and description]
    ' Purpose: [Description (Abstract)]
    ' Remarks: [Things to take care of]
    ' Author: [(optional for v1.0) author's name]
    ' Version: [(optional for v1.0) internal version number]
    ' Name: Function countryCode
    ' Input:
    '    ByRef ud As Variant - Specifies reference to user
    '    ByVal intNewValue As Integer - Specifies new country phone code
    ' Output:
    '    Integer - The previous country code of the User
    ' Purpose: Sets the country code for the user
    ' Remarks: This value is not used by Windows® 2000
    Public Function countryCode(ud As Variant, ByVal intNewValue As Integer) As Integer
  3. Enumerator comment
    ' Name: [the name of the function, property or sub]
    '    [enumarator's value list with description]
    ' Purpose: [Description (Abstract)]
    ' Remarks: [Things to take care of]
    ' Author: [(optional for v1.0) author's name]
    ' Version: [(optional for v1.0) internal version number]
    ' Name: Enum weekDay
    '    MONDAY	- Specifies the constant used to code Monday. 
    '    TUESDAY	- Specifies the constant used to code Tuesday.
    '    WEDNESDAY	- Specifies the constant used to code Wednesday.
    '    THURSDAY	- Specifies the constant used to code Thursday.
    '    FRIDAY	- Specifies the constant used to code Friday.
    '    SATURDAY	- Specifies the constant used to code Saturday.
    '    SUNDAY	- Specifies the constant used to code Sunday.
    ' Purpose: The Valid values for the day of the week
    Public Enum weekDay
        MONDAY = 1
    End Enum

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